My first favorite pin comes from Miss Squirrels over at Going Nutty with Miss Squirrels. (The pic will take you to her website.)
She shared how she made her calendar pockets. I too had tried paperclips, pins, velcro & even photo corners to add the date on the calendar. None of them were great! Since I was redoing the theme in my classroom it was the perfect time to try her tip.
First I made my own calendar - that took forever. All the measuring, drawing, and tracing! I made sure 2 calendar numbers would fit into a 4x6 pocket.
Once I had the board ready, I took 4x6 photo sleeves and fused them into 2 - 2 X3 pockets. Then, adhered them to the board with photo tape.
Here is the finished calendar board ready for the first day of school.
My second pin came from Amie @ Simply in the Middle. I absolutely loved the polka dots and the black back ground & the ribbon! It just pops!
They say imitation is the best form of flattery. Mine turned out almost identical.
(I now have 2 blue poms up since this picture was taken.)
Pin #3 comes from Jen in Sparkling n Second.
This is my only pin I have not made since seeing it. I need to find a cheap set of these bowling pins. Love the colors & I know the kiddos will love playing the game. You can't have too many sight word activities.
I hope you've enjoyed my pins! To check out more great pins, see below.