I am breaking an unwritten blogger rule about posting twice in one day, BUT I feel soooo far behind from being on vacation & feel like I missed out on a ton!
I went in to work for a little bit before vacation to start organizing my math workstations. I decided to store them in tubs ice cube buckets like my kiddos store their reading books in (see here).
Before, I was storing them in baggies in my filing cabinet behind each Common Core Standard File Folder. It just wasn't working!
Once I organized them, I realized I was short a variety of activities for certain standards and had lots for others, like place value. So, either I could start searching TPT or create some of my own.
Here is a game I created for practice with adding 3 numbers.
Just click on the picture above to get it.
Lindsey @ The Teacher's Wife is having a wonderful linky about your Must Have Picture Books.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this linky. My LOVE for Children's Literature began as a child. I was an avid reader!
My OBSESSION with collecting children's books began during my Children's Literature Class in college - Thank you Dr. Cates! I remember crying in class when she read, I'll Love You Forever.
Later, I purchased that book for my mom for Mother's Day & years later sang the song to my beautiful children. The power of books is amazing! The amount of money I have in books is STAGGERING. I could possibly retire if I sold them all for full price. With so many books and so many memories, how could I just pick a few? I decided I would pick a one book for several different categories.
Gail Gibbons books are amazing & I use them not
only in science, but also in teaching
non fiction text features.
Chrysanthemum is one of my beginning of the year books
used to teach about our classroom community. We talk
about how not to hurt each other's feelings and how
to get along. I have a few super cute activities I use
with this book which I will share @ the beginning of
I also use this at that time during math, where we look
at the length of each other's names and do graphing &
counting activities.
One of my favorite Writer's Workshop Units is teaching
Writer's Craft. I begin this unit with Lester
Laminack's, Saturdays and Teacakes,
but follow it up with lots of other books.
The Recess Queen provides many examples like:
stacked words
bold words
sound words
repeated phrases
Not to mention, this is a great book to talk about being
the new kid in class or bullying!
The message in this book is heart warming.
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge likes to spend
time at the nursing home next door. He likes all
the older people, but he especially likes
Miss Nancy Alison Delacourt Cooper because
she also has 4 names. When he finds out she is losing
her memory, he does his best to help her get her
memory back.
Twenty-six Princesses is a great book to use for
Rounding Up the Rhymes
where you look at, study, and use rhyming pairs
to help you read & write other rhyming pairs.
Check out my lesson here.
Also, a great book to use when teaching how to write ABC books.
One of my favorite times of the year is when we learn ...
"What are Fairytales."
I love to compare and contrast different versions of favorite fairytale. Petite Rouge is a spin off of Little Red Riding Hood
and is a MUST HAVE!
It is creative and funny,
especially if you hear me trying to read this
with a Cajun accent!
Fancy Nancy always uses Fancy words which are often perfect for
stretching the vocabulary of our young readers and writers.
Check out a free lesson here.
I could go on & on & on!