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I LOVE My Cricut Machine! I mostly use it for lettering, but not this time!
I took the plunge and decided to have a classroom theme in design and not name only. I have always called my kiddos - Wilson's Wonder Kids (kinda a take on super heros), but my classroom decor never took on that appearance. I Love Owls and have seen so many cute things out there that I decided to make my classroom theme owls. It has become an obsession.
It has taken me 2 days off and on, but above are the letters for my New Word Wall. I still need a title, but I ran out of black scrapbook paper. :(
Aren't they adorable!
I purchased this book for my summer reading and as a gift for my son's teacher who has truly been a gift! NOW, all my grade level is reading the book. Ann writes about how to find joy in the every day of life - not just those big bucket list kind of experiences. This is an especially good read for teachers who are bogged down in all the details of our everyday lives. I WANT to learn to look for God's blessings even in the busy, crazy, messy, and sad times of my life. I want to open my eyes to gratitude even in the little things. Here are my first 10:
1. The gentle breeze on a hot day
2. Music bringing back memories
3. Allergies waiting til after church to attack
4. the Laughter of my children
5. Rain to water the flowers, so I don't have to
6. Zucchini and squash from the garden
7. Arms that fit perfectly around the waist of the one I love so I feel safe on
his new Harley
8. Second row parking at Walmart on a Saturday Afternoon
9. Husband who attends early Saturday morning church meeting for fathers instead of sleeping in
10. A change in attitude and zest for life of my father
I am also reading Guided Math and have joined in the book study hosted by
Primarily Inspired. Go check it out. We are only on Chapter 2, so it's not too late to join. I am hoping to transform my math time to better meet the needs of all my students.
Below is my husband's new TOY. He has ALWAYS wanted a motorcycle! Recently, his brother got a new one and his sister already had one. He got the fever BAD. I was entertaining the idea thinking he would stop looking after awhile and realize it was a bad idea. I really thought our 3 kids would back me up on it. I was worried for his safety most of all!
Well, all 3 kids said he works hard, deserved one, was always doing stuff for me and them.
WOW! How could I say no? He hardly ever asks for anything and he is a wonderful husband....
He cleans bathrooms & toilets.
He cleans up after the kiddos when they upchucked.
On days off, he comes to my classroom to help!!
He goes shopping with me for clothes, groceries, or whatever.
He takes care of my EVERY need without complaining.
He spoils me rotten.
He is wonderful with our children.
And did I mention how handsome he is?
He has soo many more good qualities - but I don't feel I should brag anymore.
He got his wish a few days before Father's Day.
I have to say it is beautiful and I do love riding on the back with my arms around him.
I pray God watches over him as he rides.
My Harley Helmet with pink rhinestones. |