Sunday, August 2, 2015

Assess Me Linky: Week 2: This or That

Welcome to Week 2 of Assess Me Linky.  Thanks to Rachel over at the Tattooed Teacher for letting me join the fun!
I would chose jeans over short skirts any day of the week.  I don't mind long flowing skirts, though.  Earrings are a must.  I feel naked without them.  I have always lived in the city and would much prefer the sounds of crickets and frogs over car alarms & traffic.  I shop a lot online for things I purchase often like books or laminating film.  But if it is not something I have purchased before, I need to feel it & touch it.  I take showers 95% of the time, but couldn't live without my jet tub to relieve the stress of a long day or when my muscles ache.  I love sweet tea - too much!  I love to fall asleep to the sound of thunder.  Love flats for work, but feel prettier in heels.  I don't like flying and have never really traveled by train (subway & marta don't count). 