We just wrapped up our unit on landforms with a very hands-on activity.
Last year's landform project was quite time consuming and difficult to complete without several volunteers. So, this year we changed it up a bit.
First, students painted land and water on a sturdy paper plate. They dried quickly.
YOU WILL NEED: A cup salt 2 cups of flour ¾ cup of water The next day, students used the salt dough to create a few landforms of their choice after review.
These had to dry over the weekend before painting.
Ta-da! Done! My kiddos loved this & were quite as a mouse (even my most rowdy one) while painting them.
I am joining Michelle @ Our Sweet Success for a Ginormous Give Away! You have to check it out and enter! They are anticipating over $100 in product.
Last year's landform project was quite time consuming and difficult to complete without several volunteers. So, this year we changed it up a bit.
First, students painted land and water on a sturdy paper plate. They dried quickly.
Meanwhile, at home, my hubby made a salt dough recipe.
YOU WILL NEED: A cup salt 2 cups of flour ¾ cup of water The next day, students used the salt dough to create a few landforms of their choice after review.
Here is a valley in the making! |
Don't you just love the volcano! |
Ocean, river, pond, valley, volcano, 2 mountains. |
I am joining Michelle @ Our Sweet Success for a Ginormous Give Away! You have to check it out and enter! They are anticipating over $100 in product.
You can link up to join the Give Away until March 1st.
You can begin to enter the GiveAway on March 3.
I will be offering one of my TPT products for free. You may want to go ahead and browse my store to pick your favorite.